Ilana Jankowitz

Certified money coach (CMC)

1. From Ilana’s Desk

No more playing small and hiding your brilliance – it’s time to turn up the dial and let the amazing and talented person you are be fully seen.

In this workbook you’re going to discover where you’ve been playing small and censoring yourself, and what you can do to turn that around. This is the final step that will allow the money to start flowing into your business.

Let’s begin…



2. Download the Workbook

The “I´m more than enough!” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

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1. From Monika’s Desk

Have you ever thought about the message your clothes are conveying and the stories you’re telling with your
current style?

There’s so much available to us now with endless choices and influences that it can sometimes be challenging to know what to wear. And with all of the
external input, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that our personal unique style should be a reflection of our identity, not the style that others dictate for us. Are you ready to be seen?



2. Download the Workbook

The “I´m more than enough!” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

Every journey of personal change begins with you. Your self-esteem shows you and the world how you value yourself and dictates how you show up for your life.
In this workbook we’ll be looking at the language you use and the behaviors you repeat within yourself. And I’ll show
you how to reframe them so you can move into a space of knowing that you are already more than enough.
Let’s begin…




2. Download the Workbook

The “I´m more than enough!” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

Confidence is an innate part of who you are. You came into this world brimming over with it but then, as you grow, your
confidence in certain areas gets knocked and you can start to tell yourself that you’re just not a confident person.

In this workbook we’ll be busting that myth so that you can see that you are in fact confident, capable and, actually, downright brilliant!

Let’s begin…



2. Download the Workbook

The “I´m more than enough!” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

You can have all of the things you want in life: a great relationship, thriving business, beautiful home, a happy healthy family, whatever it may be. But if you don’t truly believe you deserve those things then inside you will still feel lacking.

In this workbook we’ll be exploring your self-esteem and confidence in a little more depth, to help you step into knowing that you are worthy and absolutely deserving of everything your heart desires.

Let’s begin…



2. Download the Workbook

The “I´m more than enough!” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

When we look at what is good in life, we often look outside ourselves. We think about things we have acquired or people who approve of us. We often forget to look in the most obvious place – ourselves. Because you are amazing. You are unique and special and extraordinary.

Yet, like so many of the women I work with, you may have allowed yourself to believe that you are not good enough. Now is the time to realise that you are wealthy within yourself and have an abundance of riches just being you. Admiringly yours,

2. Download the Workbook

The “My very own riches” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

From Ilana’s Desk

With the keys of forgiveness in your hands, you´re ready to unlock your very own treasure chest and explore the riches you´ve been blessed with. 

Since your childhood, you’ve accomplished so much. Think of all the things you´ve learnt along the way; what you’ve studied or different skills you´ve gained.These characteristics and traits are what make you unique. They don´t belong to Facebook or anyone else but YOU.

So often, we forget about talents and skills we have acquired that we can use in our business or life. Maybe that art class you took will help you design your new logo or entertain the kids on a rainy afternoon. Perhaps being good at maths can be put to good use with your book-keeping and budgeting. Maybe all those challenges in your past have given you a strength and resilience that will keep you working on reaching your dreams. 

Often in life, we do a full circle and come back to something that we studied years ago or a skill we learnt in order to help us on the journey ahead. 

The first exercise will ask: What are you proud of and why? And help you explore your very own riches. 

The second is to address the stories we tell ourselves based on what we have learnt. So often, we feel that we are not enough because of messages we heard from others or from TV or social media. Let’s prove that this isn’t true. 

Abundantly together, Ilana

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

When we look at what is good in life, we often look outside ourselves. We think about things we have acquired or people who approve of us. We often forget to look in the most obvious place – ourselves. Because you are amazing. You are unique and special and extraordinary.

Yet, like so many of the women I work with, you may have allowed yourself to believe that you are not good enough. Now is the time to realise that you are wealthy within yourself and have an abundance of riches just being you. Admiringly yours,

2. Download the Workbook

The “My very own riches” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

From Ilana’s Desk

With the keys of forgiveness in your hands, you´re ready to unlock your very own treasure chest and explore the riches you´ve been blessed with. 

Since your childhood, you’ve accomplished so much. Think of all the things you´ve learnt along the way; what you’ve studied or different skills you´ve gained.These characteristics and traits are what make you unique. They don´t belong to Facebook or anyone else but YOU.

So often, we forget about talents and skills we have acquired that we can use in our business or life. Maybe that art class you took will help you design your new logo or entertain the kids on a rainy afternoon. Perhaps being good at maths can be put to good use with your book-keeping and budgeting. Maybe all those challenges in your past have given you a strength and resilience that will keep you working on reaching your dreams. 

Often in life, we do a full circle and come back to something that we studied years ago or a skill we learnt in order to help us on the journey ahead. 

The first exercise will ask: What are you proud of and why? And help you explore your very own riches. 

The second is to address the stories we tell ourselves based on what we have learnt. So often, we feel that we are not enough because of messages we heard from others or from TV or social media. Let’s prove that this isn’t true. 

Abundantly together, Ilana

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

Every journey of personal change begins with you. Your self-esteem shows you and the world how you value yourself and dictates how you show up for your life.
In this workbook we’ll be looking at the language you use and the behaviors you repeat within yourself. And I’ll show
you how to reframe them so you can move into a space of knowing that you are already more than enough.
Let’s begin…




2. Download the Workbook

The “I´m more than enough!” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video