Ilana Jankowitz

Certified money coach (CMC)



Ilana Jankowitz
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Ry SparkRy Spark
19:07 18 Apr 24
My wife recently completed Ilana's 9 week program and I have seen big changes in her attitude and knowledge around handling money. Possibly for the first time she is really on top of "where it all goes". As a family our conversations have shifted... we no longer talk about stuff we should buy but more experiences we should have together and what we should invest in. Money is no longer considered an obstacle, but more of a tool that can be harnessed to help fulfil our dreams. It's fair to say that we as a couple, and us as a whole family, have really benefited.
Abigail JankowitzAbigail Jankowitz
09:31 12 Apr 24
The money coaching course was incredibly eye opening for me. As someone who does a lot of self reflection, I went into the course already aware of which areas in my life needed improving. However, I wasn't taking the time to implement the necessary changes. I like to explain my transformational journey with money coaching as a puzzle that's got all of it's pieces picture-facing up, on a coffee table but not yet assembled. I knew the strategies of starting with the puzzle boarders first and then grouping similar colours together. However, it's not until the puzzle is built that you see the big picture. This is what money coaching was for me, I knew what needed fixing, in some situations I also knew what I need to do in order to fix it, I just wasn't motivated enough to do it. Money coaching helped me gain such clarity of my life's bigger picture, how to take control of my of my finances and my financial freedom.
Theri KayTheri Kay
16:54 11 Apr 24
I absolutely love Ilana and the service she provides is desperately needed by all women. After taking her course I understood a lot about myself and my behaviours and habits, which may have led me to uncomfortable situations. A year after I took her course I became debt free by paying off the final chunk of my student loan. Off to a new start!
Annelie SmitAnnelie Smit
13:32 17 Mar 24
Ilana assisted me in understanding how the architypes dominant in my money and relationships played out. I had to break some self sabotaging habits that I didn't even realize I had. During the 9 week course I sold an apartment for client at full asking price. I had no calls from buyers for 5 weeks before then. Suddenly I had 2 buyers submitting offers at full asking! My personal apartment was on the market. Although it was a stunning apartment no viewers wanted to submit an offer. They all said it was too expensive. Week 4 I had two cash offers one for above asking price! I did nothing different only contin. to work on releasing my self sabotaging architypes. By the end of week 9 I was clear about the value I had to offer the world. Something I felt vey unsure about in the past. This program helped me make the final changes I needed to make to build and hold the vision for my financial and relationship future. I highly recommend this course to everyone!
Cécile BaumannCécile Baumann
10:31 12 Mar 24
Thanks to Ilana's Mindful Money Program, I've become incredibly conscious of my relationship with money and the patterns I've developed over the years, especially from my upbringing. Ilana's holistic approach and insightful questions were instrumental in helping me overcome limiting beliefs and cultivate a healthier money mindset. Her support and guidance have been invaluable in creating a life I truly love. I highly recommend Ilana to anyone looking to transform their relationship with money and find greater fulfillment.
Mags WyrzykowskaMags Wyrzykowska
09:23 12 Mar 24
It was an in-depth journey of self-discovery and improvement. I wanted to up my game in my business, take control of my finances in my private life - and I didnt realise just how much that was connected with inner-work. Ilana’s course allowed me to take the time each week and work through any blocks, self doubts and limiting beliefs. It gave me time to focus and really explore the things that were holding me back. I used to not love looking into my finances - now I have it as a weekly & monthly ritual - and I consciously decide where my money is going. I feel more empowered when it comes to my financial goals and I have learnt to just let certain things go, and focus on what is bringing me closer to my goals. Thank you Ilana for the journey - and reminding me that life is abundant, full of what we focus and concentrate on, and the energy we give, we will get back! Highly recommend taking Ilana’s course!
Jolene HannJolene Hann
07:18 14 Feb 24
Before working with ILana I was kind of lost, bumbling along... not daring to hope but just to survive the day. Since I started working with ILana I put into practice the guidance provided to me and I have already see the energy in my life change from stagnant to flow. I am lighter and brighter, I even managed to brighten my wardrobe without having to spend a cent! It all just manifested so easily and flowed into my life without having to ask for a single thing. Working with ILana has changed me and my outlook on life. It's principles that is communicated to us daily but without ILana's prompting and helping through the difficult parts that I just didn't want to face... I would not have done it... for this I am truly grateful and honored to have worked with such an amazing, brave and compassionate soul. ILana... my soul honors your soul for your contribution to my path 🙏❤️
Alisia GrenvilleAlisia Grenville
12:07 12 Feb 24
I wrote an SOS message last December 2023 to Ilana which has proven to be one of the best choices I have made in my life in a long while. After just a few sessions, I have repositioned my personal navigation needle about money and have been able to tap into and reset my relation with money which in even the short time has reset my relationship with my husband. Thank you Ilana for awaking my soul, linking mindfulness to money, and reminding me that only I have the power to transform. 🌸🌸
Irene HostettlerIrene Hostettler
13:54 25 Jan 24
Taking Ilana’s money coaching course was an eye opener for me. I learned why we have a certain mindset and behaviour about money due to our experiences of the past. I took this course when I was in the situation of not knowing where my money went.Booking the VIP course had the advantage of having Ilana’s time just for myself which allowed us to go in-depth into my money mindset. Working through Ilana’s workbook and our 1:1 coaching sessions has given me so much clarity about who I am and how I define myself as a person!I was able to change my mindset so much that I am now conscious of where my money goes, I’m keeping track of my spending and I know how much money I have. Ilana’s approach is simple and still in-depth, she helped me regain confidence in myself and in who I am!
Carolyn BalogunCarolyn Balogun
17:08 03 Jan 24
One of the reasons that I chose Ilana as my Money Coach was that I wanted to deal with the emotional unconscious side of my spending. You can meet anyone and they can help you do a budget, which you can stick to or not stick to, but what I found after doing Ilana’s course is that subliminally I’ve now changed the way that I use and treat money and use money so for example I would buy on impulse things all the time because I felt I needed them I felt I wanted them and they’re not very often they would end up just been given away or not used an I am left just wondering why I even made that purchase. It was obviously to deal with some sort of Emotional need inside of me but now without even thinking about it, I find that I’m purchasing what I want when I need it and exactly what I want so the spending is a lot more conscious and it’s a lot more satisfying
Esther Gaitán FuertesEsther Gaitán Fuertes
18:49 23 Dec 23
Ilana has created a wonderful community of women who want to change their money mindset and manage their finances successfully. Both our weekly group calls and the one-on-one calls were full of insights. Her programme is very hands-on and working through all the workbooks was an amazing learning experience.
Gisela AndradeGisela Andrade
11:06 13 Dec 23
I did Ilana's course on money coaching! It helped lose the fear of money and finance and take charge of my financial goals! it also helped me understand my relationship with money and how i can improve it and use to my advantage! plus, the fantastic network that resulted from the experience is absolutely priceless!
S. L.S. L.
09:23 12 Dec 23
I have done Ilana's Mindful Money group coaching programme a few months ago and although I was rather doubtful at the start, I have found that Ilana is like a caring friend with coaching superpowers. It has ended up being a rich and wonderful experience.She does care deeply about the women she takes onto her programme. She wants to see you succeed but mostly, grow and evolve so you can develop into the woman you choose to become. Her course is fully packed with incredibly eye-opening exercises which lead to deep introspection, real understanding and multiple aha-moments. Thanks to the self knowledge you progressively acquire through the programme, you grow your ability to make real choices and not mere decisions based on old unwanted habits.With Illana's programme, you can certainly create or improve healthy money habits such as setting realistic and achievable financial goals, create an efficient monthly budget and ways to stick to it, but Ilana's programme is really designed to go much deeper.Before starting the programme, I saw on Ilana's website welcome page, a photo of Ilana standing next to a little tree. At the end of the programme, what I was now seeing in that same image, was that Ilana was standing next to a special tree, which had rich precious roots and could as a result, bear rich and precious fruits. That sums up exactly her approach to money coaching! The deeper the work done within, the easier it becomes to create the wealth in money and relationships we want in our lives.I do recommend Ilana's programme having highly benefited from it and her unwavering support. I repeat, Ilana is like a caring friend with coaching superpowers. You will be happy you have worked with her. I know my future self often thanks me for making that choice.

Video Testimonials

Fee O’Shea

Your help to me has been, not only so valuable for my progression, but inspiring and has really lifted my spirits out of the doldrums I have been in. You picked up on my personality and my needs so quickly and offered practical advice that has resonated. But not only has the advice be wonderful, you are an absolute delight and I’m blessed that you have come into my life at such a critical point. Thanks

Wendy Castano Vega

I would recommend that anyone who is stuck to get in contact with Ilana, her intuition, abundant ideas, and care will guide you through the fear and the pain and you will find you are better equipped to make decisions that you thought you were, you just needed the right teacher, friend, and coach. Ilana is all of that and I’m so honored to have shared with her.

Nicola Claassens

Dear Ilana as I sit here reflecting on the year I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the care and love you poured into my life in a time of such uncertainty and difficulty. Thank you for going above and beyond and giving me your time and passion. Wishing you a wonderful New Year. May all you gave me to return 10 fold ❤️

Genevieve Richard

Thanks. You gave me the shove I needed to get out of the rut and aim higher than I ever thought I can. I am even coping and doing well with the maths. Which has surprised me the most. I’m in such a different space to the person who you met last year. I’m happy, my finances are slowly resolving themselves, and I’m going to be earning, saving and paying off my debts soon. Which feels great.

Eva Sol Art

Thanks Ilana for the wonderful workshop you offered last week. You definitely nourished my roots of my money behaviour with your explanation of the different money archetypes.  It’s one thing to learn how to make money but another thing to know how to get it to stay in my life. I am so happy you shared your ideas, how you managed the seminar to get the most from it and how to convert it into investments that not only protect my earned income but also expand. As a visual artist especially the idea to do a personal vision board about what financial freedom means to me and how to achieve it at the end of your workshop inspired me to focus more about my money flow patterns in the future. Thanks so much.

Ludmila Mitula

It was an excellent workshop! I learned a lot about myself. Money touches everything in our life. When there is any money issue we stuck, cannot move on”

I absolutely adore working with the vision boards… I did my first vision board during the workshop with Ilana and… I discovered that I’m very creative, artistic and that I need more structures, boundaries in my life.  My new piece of art is hanging in my bedroom already. And because it’s pink and blue, it goes well with the view from the window! And love to sit at my desk because of my vision board


Before working with Ilana I felt anxious, stressed and overwhelmed around money. Budgeting was a struggle, and it was hard to pay my bills but I was too proud to ask for help! I was creating debt and struggling to get out of it.

My upbringing had me believe you must work hard for money, and there’s never enough to cover everything. I thought money would be taken away from me and, as long as I had it, I had to spend it. That’s why I never learnt about saving.

Now I’m more secure, motivated and empowered with my finances and conscious about my spending, and have no worries talking to my partner about money and how we spend it. Seeing my money grow by saving and budgeting is now pretty fun!

I’d recommend this coaching to anyone feeling stuck with spending habits, anxious or helpless with budgeting, or wanting to make changes for the better and learn why they’re spending the way they are.

Ilana is amazing at analyzing your situation and confronting you with money habits you couldn’t even think of, digging deep into your subconscious to find reasons for them. She pushed me out of my comfort zone, and in times of great anxiety, always made time to be there for me as a coach and friend.


Hi, I’m Ronit. I’m a jewelry designer based in Zurich, Switzerland. My business is Rz Jewelry Design and I create unique, one-of-a-kind handmade jewelry.

Before I began working with Ilana, I felt really stuck with money, and dealing with it was very emotional for me. I knew I had some blocks that were holding me back, and I wanted clarity on them. I also hoped Ilana would be able to give me some tips on marketing and how to get my business out in the world in a more focused and powerful way.

During my time coaching with Ilana I was overwhelmed with the love and care she brought into my life, during what was, in fact, a very difficult time for me. She really took her time to show and explain to me why I was stuck, not only with money, but also in my life. This was so much more than just money coaching – Ilana taught me the importance of how to defend and love myself too.

Ilana went above and beyond with her desire to help, and connected me with other people of interest that could help me with my business. I’d highly recommend working with Ilana to anyone who is starting a new business and is struggling with money issues.

I’ve come out the other side of our coaching together having learned a lot about myself. I understand now what my strongest attributes are, and how to be far less emotional about money.

Thank you Ilana, I’m so grateful for all you’ve done to support me.

Cat D

Before working with Ilana I felt discouraged about money and didn’t know why. I felt lost and trapped by overwhelm and feelings of oppression from rules and regulations that seemed out of my control.

I’d reached a point in my life where my career no longer seemed to be serving me or filling me with bliss. I knew I had the opportunity for more potential financially and spiritually but was struggling with limiting beliefs, and the need for others to affirm the changes I wanted to make were ok.

After coaching with Ilana I feel liberated and more aligned and in flow with money and life. I feel freer and unshackled from other people’s ideas and laws. I’m now excited to embark on new paths and adventures without feeling guilty for wanting to do so. It’s also liberating to realise that it’s not winter that I detest, but the work I do during that season. Now I can choose to enjoy it or escape to somewhere warmer for a spell.

I’d highly recommend coaching with Ilana if you’re someone who’s questioning why you and/or your money feels stuck. Ilana expertly guides you through exercises to uncover deep rooted answers relating to your childhood and other influences.

Ilana is just so pleasant to talk to. I always looked forward to our chats because of her lightness and wiser perspective.

Andaleeb Lilley

Before working with Ilana, I hadn’t really looked at my finances in detail following my divorce. Doing the work and going through the worksheets and exercises helped me discover why I relate to money the way I do. Supported by Ilana, I knew I could change some of my perceptions around money.

I took a good look at my financial situation and could see where I was doing well and what I needed to look at and adjust. I really enjoyed discovering and learning about my money archetypes. Ilana also helped me with some business coaching and how I could continue to grow my business. The biggest breakthrough was stopping giving my siblings money when they asked for it. I realised that just because we’re related and my parents aren’t around, this doesn’t mean I have to pick up the slack and play the mother role and help out all the time. It was not easy to break the behaviour as I’ve spent years doing it, but I have and am so pleased!

I’m more motivated to save now (which of course also means watching what I spend!), and my relationship around money has become more fun. One of my mantras has always been “I will always have enough money to do all the things I want to do” and this has only been reinforced. Ilana is also great at connecting you with other businesses for collaboration and networking. The weekly calls are an added bonus and a lovely way to connect and set goals for the week. Thank you Ilana!

Ambila Nath

I was open and excited when I made the decision to take on money coaching with Ilana. I’d been struggling with not making much money in my business, and it wasn’t due to a lack of skills and knowledge – there was something deeper going on. As a coach I knew I needed to work on my mindset and understand what was stopping me, but I wasn’t finding the answers by myself.

Working with Ilana has moved me to a place where I can now officially, proudly and 100% undoubtedly say I’m a businesswoman! My money has increased by 100% and I only finished 2-weeks ago, and I’m making it doing all the things I love. Ilana opened up the side of me that others have told me to contain, and I feel amazing and powerful. She helped me see how I can use all my skills and knowledge to keep welcoming abundance in and only refuse it if I chose to.

I recommend Ilana to everyone I meet! Working with her isn’t just about the academic and practical parts that are associated with coaching, in Ilana you also have a friend. Someone who is cheering you on, recommending you, helping you to build your network and helping you with collaborations – it you want them. Ilana knows her stuff and understands the different avenues to help you make money, and that only comes from someone who has been thorough the journey themselves.


Like everyone else, I struggle with deciding what I want in life, where to start, what I desire, and what my objectives are. Until Ilana offered me the opportunity to enrol in her online Mindful Money Coaching course.

I must say that the modules she used had a positive impact on my mentality. Knowing my true identity, the source of my financial history, and my financial actions were only a few of the major factors that influenced my decisions.

These qualities helped me in establishing my Virtual Assistant business. I learned about my own worth, goals, and the importance of dreaming bigand believing in myself. I was terrified of failing because I was frightened to dream big, take risks, and fail, but Ilana convinced me otherwise!

Now, I’m training two virtual assistants to help me, and I’m optimistic that with all of the necessary elements in place, my business can survive and expand into an agency someday.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and learn. Based on my experience, it is worthwhile to invest in becoming a better version of yourself. Ilana is more than just a coach; she is a genuine person who wants you to succeed. I’m sure something in you will change after taking her course.

Karon Weeks

Thank you, Ilana. You’ve helped me so much with reconnecting with myself and my relationship with money. The journey you took me on was so inspiring. I’ve remembered who I want to be, and I learnt gratitude. There’s a saying: “To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven”. Ilana, you showed me how to touch Heaven. Thank you again so very much.

Working with Ilana helped me reconnect with myself again. Her Money Magicians group has allowed me to build confidence, self-esteem and for the first time in so long my real personality has been allowed to radiate like sun rays.

I knew I had to do the work with Ilana first to discover my blockages before I could join the group, after all, if I came with negative mistrust how could the group help me. Even worse it would have brought that negative energy to the members.

This group is like having a family who supports you, encourages you and helps you build up your worth. And most importantly you’re accepted as you. But I had to rediscover me first. When I first joined, I was shy, scared, nervous and never wanted to talk or give my point of view. Now I talk all the time (sometimes I don’t shut up!). I give talks to the members about spirituality because they all make me feel safe to do so. I shine and feel really accepted for who I am.

Thank you, Ilana, and thank you everyone in the group.

Elke Jamil

A big shout out to Ilana Jankowitz from Mindful Money Coaching. Ilana helped me change my mindset and relationship with money to such an extent that, not even halfway through my program with her, I’ve had 2 job offers and am starting my own business. I never thought I had the confidence and savvy. Ilana is just amazing and I can happily recommend her to anyone! Thanks Ilana, for being amazing!!

Borit Karlsson

I can’t tell you how grateful I am that I took the jump and joined Ilana´s guided Mindful Money group! This group and Ilana´s firm, compassionate and loving guidance was exactly what I needed to finally break through a lifelong resistance to face my relationship to money.

Ilana dares to go deep, to take you on a journey where you actually learn to understand how your money story is formed very early, to see the patterns that hold you back and how you can free yourself. And she is there to support you all along – always checking in on you, encouraging you, rejoicing with you, gently giving you a push when needed. She is simply the best guide you can have!

And our group – such an amazing group of women! We very quickly got really close to each other, shared our stories, supported each other. If you feel stuck, that there is more for you in life but you don’t know how to reach it – don’t hesitate to join Ilana´s Mindful Money guided group! And remember, it’s never too late – I turned sixty this year