Ilana Jankowitz

Certified money coach (CMC)

From Ilana’s Desk

We all have a  Treasure Chest, bursting with abundance, but in order to be able to unlock these treasures you´ll need the right Key. In this module I´ll show you how forgiveness is that key and how to use it to bring abundance into your life.

Having just completed the module My Inheritance, it’s completely understandable that you may be feeling a little down, sad or even resentful.

Holding on to these feelings will not serve you well. They’ll just hold you back and block the flow of abundance into your life.  Instead, you need to flood your life with forgiveness. The level of thinking and understanding that I’m sharing with you did not exist when you were growing up, so how could your parents or guardians have known better?

And you need to forgive yourself. After all, how were you supposed to know? But most importantly, you´ve taken responsibility for your life and your future and that’s awesome. 

With the keys of forgiveness in your hands you´ll be ready for the other three exercises: What you really want in life; Telling your money where to go; and making sure you have enough when you need it most.

I´m here for you, 


YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

As you are becoming aware of your Money Story and how you have inherited beliefs and behaviours which don’t serve you, it’s completely understandable that you may be feeling a little down, sad or even resentful.
Holding on to these feelings will not serve you well.
They’ll just hold you back and block the flow of abundance into your life. Instead, you need to flood your life with forgiveness. The level of thinking and understanding that I’m sharing with you did not exist when you were growing up, so how could your parents or guardians have known

Forgiveness is the most important step we must take on the path toward fulfillment. Unhealed wounds, resentment, and blame are obstacles that
block the flow of good into our lives. It is not necessary to forgive an unjust act, just the person behind it. The act is over and complete. It cannot be
changed. The only thing that can be changed is the energy between you and another human being.
Freeing up this energy creates more room for you to manifest your highest good. And you need to forgive yourself. After all, how were you supposed to know? Most importantly, you’ve taken responsibility for your life and your future and that’s awesome.

2. Download the Workbook

The “The Keys to my vault” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

With the keys of forgiveness in your hands now is the time to build a plan so you can begin to make change. Understanding and letting go of the past are huge steps, so now we want to build on that to create an amazing future.

This is an exercise to revisit frequently as we continue on this journey together. The more you learn and the more you start to see results, the clearer your intentions will become. So keep this workbook handy and add to it whenever new ideas and actions strike you.

Looking forward to seeing your future!

2. Download the Workbook

The “The Money Magician 4 Step Action Plan” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

Let’s get really specific about money! This journey we are on is not to stop you enjoying money or preventing you from ever spending it. Money is a tool and it is a useful tool which can bring pleasure, opportunities and experiences. But, like any tool, it needs to be taken care of. Otherwise it won’t be there when you need to use it.

So this exercise is to help you look at how you want money to serve you and then gives you some actions to take in order to really have control of your money (rather than having you money control you!) If you have been used to hiding from your financial situation or feel worried about it, you may find some resistance to what I’m asking of you here. Be courageous! You can do this – I have faith in you.

2. Download the Workbook

The “Telling my money where to go!” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

Taking control of your money means knowing where it comes from and where it goes. Often, because of the way money comes to us – in chunks- we think of it that way. A ‘chunk’ comes in as salary or business income and there it is.
We spend until the chunk isn’t there any more and then we have to make do until the next chunk arrives. I want you to think of money as a flow, instead. Sometimes money comes in, sometimes it goes out. It is always moving and your job is to balance that ebb and flow so there is always money available to you. You never want the flow to run dry. Just being aware of whether you are spending within your means is incredibly important. Abundantly yours,

2. Download the Workbook

The “Having enough when I need it most” workbook is available to:


From Ilana’s Desk

We all have a  Treasure Chest, bursting with abundance, but in order to be able to unlock these treasures you´ll need the right Key. In this module I´ll show you how forgiveness is that key and how to use it to bring abundance into your life.

Having just completed the module My Inheritance, it’s completely understandable that you may be feeling a little down, sad or even resentful.

Holding on to these feelings will not serve you well. They’ll just hold you back and block the flow of abundance into your life.  Instead, you need to flood your life with forgiveness. The level of thinking and understanding that I’m sharing with you did not exist when you were growing up, so how could your parents or guardians have known better?

And you need to forgive yourself. After all, how were you supposed to know? But most importantly, you´ve taken responsibility for your life and your future and that’s awesome. 

With the keys of forgiveness in your hands you´ll be ready for the other three exercises: What you really want in life; Telling your money where to go; and making sure you have enough when you need it most.

I´m here for you, 


YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

As you are becoming aware of your Money Story and how you have inherited beliefs and behaviours which don’t serve you, it’s completely understandable that you may be feeling a little down, sad or even resentful.
Holding on to these feelings will not serve you well.
They’ll just hold you back and block the flow of abundance into your life. Instead, you need to flood your life with forgiveness. The level of thinking and understanding that I’m sharing with you did not exist when you were growing up, so how could your parents or guardians have known

Forgiveness is the most important step we must take on the path toward fulfillment. Unhealed wounds, resentment, and blame are obstacles that
block the flow of good into our lives. It is not necessary to forgive an unjust act, just the person behind it. The act is over and complete. It cannot be
changed. The only thing that can be changed is the energy between you and another human being.
Freeing up this energy creates more room for you to manifest your highest good. And you need to forgive yourself. After all, how were you supposed to know? Most importantly, you’ve taken responsibility for your life and your future and that’s awesome.

2. Download the Workbook

The “The Keys to my vault” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

With the keys of forgiveness in your hands now is the time to build a plan so you can begin to make change. Understanding and letting go of the past are huge steps, so now we want to build on that to create an amazing future.

This is an exercise to revisit frequently as we continue on this journey together. The more you learn and the more you start to see results, the clearer your intentions will become. So keep this workbook handy and add to it whenever new ideas and actions strike you.

Looking forward to seeing your future!

2. Download the Workbook

The “The Money Magician 4 Step Action Plan” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

Let’s get really specific about money! This journey we are on is not to stop you enjoying money or preventing you from ever spending it. Money is a tool and it is a useful tool which can bring pleasure, opportunities and experiences. But, like any tool, it needs to be taken care of. Otherwise it won’t be there when you need to use it.

So this exercise is to help you look at how you want money to serve you and then gives you some actions to take in order to really have control of your money (rather than having you money control you!) If you have been used to hiding from your financial situation or feel worried about it, you may find some resistance to what I’m asking of you here. Be courageous! You can do this – I have faith in you.

2. Download the Workbook

The “Telling my money where to go!” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

Taking control of your money means knowing where it comes from and where it goes. Often, because of the way money comes to us – in chunks- we think of it that way. A ‘chunk’ comes in as salary or business income and there it is.
We spend until the chunk isn’t there any more and then we have to make do until the next chunk arrives. I want you to think of money as a flow, instead. Sometimes money comes in, sometimes it goes out. It is always moving and your job is to balance that ebb and flow so there is always money available to you. You never want the flow to run dry. Just being aware of whether you are spending within your means is incredibly important. Abundantly yours,

2. Download the Workbook

The “Having enough when I need it most” workbook is available to: