Ilana Jankowitz

Certified money coach (CMC)

1. From Ilana’s Desk

So what’s your inheritance? No, I’m not talking about money, property, art collections and so on, but about something much more meaningful: The
values and beliefs you’ve inherited about money.

In this exercise you’ll discover which money myths you’ve inherited and how these have shaped your money mindset and how you see money.
This is a super important exercise that will help you discover deep rooted truths about yourself, fundamental to rewriting your money story. Take
your time and do this exercise thoroughly and you’ll reap the rewards.

With love, Ilana

2. Download the Workbook

The “Show me my Inheritance” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

So many of us have been told that “money is dirty” or “money is evil” or even to “Marry someone rich, as you wont make money”. But these are all lies. In this exercise, I’d like you to circle each of the money myths that you believe to be true. Next, become aware of the thoughts these money myths
are triggering – even if you want to argue with me that it is a myth! Our goal here is to transform all negative money myths into powerful positive affirmations. You need to make your new affirmations personal and meaningful to you.

That way they’ll become transformational and very soon
you’ll start to notice the difference. Write them out, stick them on post-it’s, create a screensaver with them, whatever works for you. Just make sure you read them aloud each morning.

Lovingly, Ilana

2. Download the Workbook

The “Self Discovery” workbook is available:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

From Ilana’s Desk

It was lovely to be able to go through your Money Story with you and  get to know you a little better. I´m really excited for you and looking forward to this journey we are on together..

This module is all about your inheritance. But I’m not talking about money, property, art collections and so on, but, about something much more meaningful: The values and beliefs you’ve inherited about money. 

So, in this module you´ll discover which money myths you´ve inherited and how these have shaped your money mindset and how you see money.

The two workbooks in this module will look at where these money myths come from.

Did you copy them from your parents, an uncle or grandparent? How are they serving you? Do they add abundance to your life or are they hindering you? Are they positive or negative? The first exercise will help you identify your own inheritances. 

So many of us have been told that “money is dirty” or “money is evil” or even to “Marry someone rich, as you wont make money”. But these are all lies.

In the Money Myths exercise, I’d like you to circle each of the money myths that you believe to be true. Next, become aware of the thoughts these money myths are triggering – even if you want to argue with me that it is a myth! Our goal here is to transform all negative money myths into powerful positive affirmations.

You need to make your new affirmations personal and meaningful to you. That way they’ll become transformational and very soon you’ll start to notice the difference. Write them out, stick them on post-it’s, create a screensaver with them, whatever works for you. Just make sure you  read them aloud each morning.

With love, Ilana

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

So what’s your inheritance? No, I’m not talking about money, property, art collections and so on, but about something much more meaningful: The
values and beliefs you’ve inherited about money.

In this exercise you’ll discover which money myths you’ve inherited and how these have shaped your money mindset and how you see money.
This is a super important exercise that will help you discover deep rooted truths about yourself, fundamental to rewriting your money story. Take
your time and do this exercise thoroughly and you’ll reap the rewards.

With love, Ilana

2. Download the Workbook

The “Show me my Inheritance” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

1. From Ilana’s Desk

So many of us have been told that “money is dirty” or “money is evil” or even to “Marry someone rich, as you wont make money”. But these are all lies. In this exercise, I’d like you to circle each of the money myths that you believe to be true. Next, become aware of the thoughts these money myths
are triggering – even if you want to argue with me that it is a myth! Our goal here is to transform all negative money myths into powerful positive affirmations. You need to make your new affirmations personal and meaningful to you.

That way they’ll become transformational and very soon
you’ll start to notice the difference. Write them out, stick them on post-it’s, create a screensaver with them, whatever works for you. Just make sure you read them aloud each morning.

Lovingly, Ilana

2. Download the Workbook

The “Self Discovery” workbook is available:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

From Ilana’s Desk

It was lovely to be able to go through your Money Story with you and  get to know you a little better. I´m really excited for you and looking forward to this journey we are on together..

This module is all about your inheritance. But I’m not talking about money, property, art collections and so on, but, about something much more meaningful: The values and beliefs you’ve inherited about money. 

So, in this module you´ll discover which money myths you´ve inherited and how these have shaped your money mindset and how you see money.

The two workbooks in this module will look at where these money myths come from.

Did you copy them from your parents, an uncle or grandparent? How are they serving you? Do they add abundance to your life or are they hindering you? Are they positive or negative? The first exercise will help you identify your own inheritances. 

So many of us have been told that “money is dirty” or “money is evil” or even to “Marry someone rich, as you wont make money”. But these are all lies.

In the Money Myths exercise, I’d like you to circle each of the money myths that you believe to be true. Next, become aware of the thoughts these money myths are triggering – even if you want to argue with me that it is a myth! Our goal here is to transform all negative money myths into powerful positive affirmations.

You need to make your new affirmations personal and meaningful to you. That way they’ll become transformational and very soon you’ll start to notice the difference. Write them out, stick them on post-it’s, create a screensaver with them, whatever works for you. Just make sure you  read them aloud each morning.

With love, Ilana

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

So many of us have been told that “money is dirty” or “money is evil” or even to “Marry someone rich, as you wont make money”. But these are all lies. In this exercise, I’d like you to circle each of the money myths that you believe to be true. Next, become aware of the thoughts these money myths
are triggering – even if you want to argue with me that it is a myth! Our goal here is to transform all negative money myths into powerful positive affirmations. You need to make your new affirmations personal and meaningful to you.

That way they’ll become transformational and very soon
you’ll start to notice the difference. Write them out, stick them on post-it’s, create a screensaver with them, whatever works for you. Just make sure you read them aloud each morning.

Lovingly, Ilana

2. Download the Workbook

The “Self Discovery” workbook is available:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video

1. From Ilana’s Desk

So what’s your inheritance? No, I’m not talking about money, property, art collections and so on, but about something much more meaningful: The
values and beliefs you’ve inherited about money.

In this exercise you’ll discover which money myths you’ve inherited and how these have shaped your money mindset and how you see money.
This is a super important exercise that will help you discover deep rooted truths about yourself, fundamental to rewriting your money story. Take
your time and do this exercise thoroughly and you’ll reap the rewards.

With love, Ilana

2. Download the Workbook

The “Show me my Inheritance” workbook is available to:

3. Completing the Workbook

YouTube video